
The final two hours - mocks

Mock ONE – 1 hour

PLAN: With reference to the case study, outline the case in favour of price intervention. Make sure you include at least one diagram. (15 mks)

PLAN: Explain how the price of butter rose owing to the forces of BOTH demand and supply. (10 mks)

PLAN: Explain, With reference to the case study, how it can be argued that the CAP is an example of government failure. (15 mks)

DO: Explain why, With reference to the case study, ‘rising inflation is not the only concern of European governments.’ (10 mks)

PLAN: Outline, With reference to the case study, the main arguments against the current system of farm support within the EU. (15 mks)

DO: Using a diagram, explain the case FOR Biofuel production. (10 mks)

Mock TWO – 1 hour

PLAN: With reference to the case study explain how CAP raises fundamental issues of efficiency and equity arising from different forms of intervention in markets for specific agricultural products. (15 mks)

PLAN: Outline, With reference to the case study, the approaches the |EU has taken to resolve environmental policies APART FROM carbon trading. (10 mks)

PLAN: With reference to the case study explain the externalities and market failure that occur in farming. (15 mks)

DO: With reference to the case study explain – with a diagram – why the Russian government is regulating market prices. (10 mks)

PLAN: Explain, With reference to the case study, how CAP has provided financial support for farmers – make sure you use diagrams. (15 mks)

DO: With reference to the case study and your own knowledge outline the reasons for the surge in global food price inflation. (10 mks)

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